Sarah warnaar

Is a mentor, artist and women’s work facilitator who supports women in embodying their sensuality, opening their hearts in relationship and creative expression, connecting to their power and awakening their soul path and work.

Sarah creates spaces for others to heal conditioned and habitual patterns, re-align with their most expressed self and remember their true essence. She serves as a bridge from the ground-work of trauma, codependency, masculine/feminine work - to archetypal, Tantric, multi-dimensional, polarity and purpose work. As a Priestess of the Rose, walks the path of remembrance of the Feminine Flame and serves the Path of Love. Born in the North of Holland in a warm family of psychologists, she started traveling as an international model at age eighteen. These eighteen years of travels offered the chance to explore her restless curiosity, travel the world and dive into various cultures and their spiritual practises, yet it also brought confrontation with the superficial ways our society perceives feminine beauty, disembodiment and a hunger for deeper meaning. She moved through years of disordered eating and body dysmorphia till she hit a threshold at age twenty-four through illness called labyrinthitis for which she had to lay in the dark on one ear for two weeks without light and sound. This ignited her devotional path to daring to feel it all, embodied living, the path of the sacred feminine, the power of sisterhood and spiritual awakening - all of which she now shares as medicine with others.

You can find out more about Sarah here.


Ellen Atlanta


Angela Cara