Paula Leech

Is a certified sex therapist who has worked with individuals, relationships, and families in private practice for over ten years.

Paula received her Bachelor’s Degree in Family and Human Development at Arizona State University and then went on to receive her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at the University of Massachusetts, at Boston. Post family therapy licensure, PAULA became an AASECT (American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists) certified as a Sex Therapist and worked with individuals, relationships, and families in private practice in Quincy, Massachusetts for over ten years. In that time, Paula received AASECT certification as a Supervisor of Sex Therapy, and co-founded a sex therapy agency and training institute where she saw clients in addition to training therapists to become competent, confident sex therapists themselves. Paula continues to regularly present at various training institutes as well as Universities and therapy agencies across the US.

Paula notes on her website, “I truly love this work. I enjoy the challenging adventure of bringing relationships and individuals toward a greater sense of intimacy and a thriving, evolving connection (to self and other(s)) that can grow alongside them. I am inspired by the inevitable transformation of the therapists themselves as they witness and become part of fantastic growth and change in their clients. I believe there is no limit to the knowledge we can gain from looking at the universe of people's lives and relationships; no end point to our curiosity if we let it lead. Consequently, I never tire of learning alongside and training both professionals and fellow sexuality enthusiasts about this incredible area of human life.”

Paula Leech mentors sex therapists-in-training, and teaches at various institutes across the US and Canada.

You can find out more about Paula here.


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