Episode 2: Ariel Giarretto


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Join Ailey Jolie and Ariel Giarretto for In This Body's second episode. In this episode, Ariel shares their personal path to discovering the deep connection between body awareness and sexual well-being. Ariel discusses the different approaches of a sex educator and a somatic sexologist, and why integrating a trauma-informed lens is critical when addressing sexuality and the body. Importantly, Ariel touches on cultural and societal barriers that lead to sexual and somatic disconnection. Ariel and Ailey explore what it means to be disconnected from one’s sexuality and the implications this disconnection has on individual and societal well-being. Ariel discusses her work in the full embodiment model, which entails a holistic approach to sexual healing and building body awareness. This discussion highlights the importance of being fully present in one’s body to live a life anchored in our values, our expression, and our truth. Join us for a rich conversation that not only explores the intersections of somatics and sexuality but also offers practical insights and inspiration for personal growth and healing. We hope you enjoy the episode. 

About In This Body: Conversations with leading experts about the importance of embodiment in living an authentic life. In This Body asks the important questions: How does connecting to your body change your life? How will connecting to your body allow you to love better and live more authentically? And how does connecting to your body change the trajectory of our shared world?

In this episode:  

  • 00:55 Meet Ariel Giarretto: Her Journey into Somatic Therapy

  • 03:32 Ariel's Early Influences and Career Path

  • 06:16 Discovering Somatic Experiencing and Sexuality

  • 10:40 Combining Somatic Therapy with Sexual Education

  • 14:51 Developing the Full Embodiment Model

  • 28:19 The Political and Cultural Dimensions of Sexuality

  • 32:26 The Importance of Sexuality

  • 34:14 Challenges in Developing the Model

  • 34:34 Cultural Differences in Sexuality

  • 35:28 Teaching Methods and Overcoming Barriers

  • 38:21 Repatterning and Somatic Awareness

  • 49:20 Embodiment and Infertility

  • 58:54 Final Thoughts on Embodiment

To find out more about Ariel Giarretto:

To learn more about Ailey Jolie:

To follow along with the podcast:


Episode 3: Dr. Leslie Ellis


Episode 1: Ailey Jolie